
Propagating orchids endlessly is a gardener’s trick that can be easily and quickly applied with just one potato. This method, shared by professionals in the field, allows you to have an abundant supply of orchids without the need to purchase new plants. Here’s how to carry out this natural and effective propagation:

Propagate orchids

Materials Needed:

  • Shears
  • Flowering orchid that has already bloomed at least once
  • Fertilizer for growth
  • Gloves
orchid branches


  1. Ensure the orchid plant is healthy, with well-maintained branches and proper care, including a humid environment and sufficient watering. Ideal locations include bathrooms, laundry rooms, or kitchens with high humidity.
  2. Wear gloves and use shears to cut a healthy branch or cutting from the orchid plant. Make the cut perpendicularly and not too sharply.
  3. Prepare a nutrient-rich substance in a separate container:
    • Take all the sprouts from a potato and place them in a bowl.
    • Add a chopped clove of garlic to the bowl.
    • Mix the ingredients and add water to create a nutrient mixture.
  4. Cover the mixture and let it macerate in a dark place for up to a week.
  5. Disinfect the cut on the orchid cutting to prepare it for the propagation process.
  6. Filter the macerated substance with potato and garlic to obtain a liquid nutrient.
  7. Soak the orchid cutting in the nutrient-rich liquid, ensuring it absorbs all the essential nutrients.
  8. Place the soaked cutting into a pot filled with soil, allowing it to propagate in the coming weeks.
potatoes with sprouts
  • By following these steps, you can effortlessly propagate orchids using a simple and natural method, providing you with a continuous supply of these elegant and refined plants.